About Me

My name is Simone. I am a mother of two, wife and passionate about keeping fit and living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I have been a Personal Trainer for 5 years and a Fitness Nutrition Coach for 2 years. Most recently I have become a Life Coach.

I’m dedicated to training women, in particular mums. I want to teach and assist women how to train and lift weights safely. I am passionate about helping women to feel strong, fit and healthy.

I am committed to educating my clients on the importance of balance with fitness and nutrition and how this will benefit their lifestyle. As a busy mum of two, I understand how important it is to exercise for mental health & self-care.

Why I became a PT, Nutrition Coach & Life Coach:
I had been in the corporate world for around 16 years. I have always enjoyed sport and exercise. I played a lot of netball when I was younger. I also enjoy running, going to the gym, and creating my own circuits to complete at home. I decided to take the plunge and make this a career, with the support of my family, the transition has been easier than I imagined.

We all tend to lose self-confidence with our bodies after having children so I was determined to create a space for women to train that was private, small group numbers and a space that they could bring their children without any additional cost. 

Being a mum myself, I understand their situation, and needed to make this happen! Running group sessions in my backyard & driveaway is the perfect location to support my beautiful clients and their children. Building self-confidence was a key focus. Not a number on the scale. It’s all about how you feel, this is an important message I like to promote to my clients.

The more my business was growing I could see the need for additional support around nutrition, which is key for achieving goals. Not long into my PT journey I decided to study a Diploma of Nutrition. Providing nutrition guidance has been the biggest asset to clients and business. Knowledge is power when it comes to nutrition and guiding my clients to feel confident, not worried about any foods or labelling them as ‘bad’ is a real focus for me.

Life Coaching is the final arm to be business and one I am incredibly passionate about! Self-care is so important, particularly for mums. Learning how to practice self-care without feeling any guilt is a key focus I am excited to teach the skills to live a fulfilled life.

As I always preach to my wonderful mums, life is way too short to not eat the cake!

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